Friday, March 30, 2012

Those That Go Unheard

People who do not play video games already know about them. Images of violence and over-sexualized males and females probably come to their minds.  How could video games be an art form?

First, let’s think about video game advertisements.
Advertisements raise awareness of a product. The video game industry enjoys multi billion dollar profits. We know that sex sells and many people enjoy a good action story. Just looking at the advertisements above should make it immediately obvious why video games are seen as an interactive entertainment and not a genuine art form. 

High profile games sell well and are backed by large corporations, who then make a profit from them, and are able to get more money for more ads, and thus, expose the general public to these mainstream games.
What about those small indie companies? How can they compete? Indie developers, who cannot count on the large corporate funding to advertise their games, rely on social media.

Thank God for social media

Games like Journey, Limbo and World of Goo have very different game mechanics and breath taking environments that mainstream games do not offer. 



Those still pictures could be works of art in themselves.
The general public will only know about the high profile, big profit games they are exposed to by the main stream media.

Exposed? Get it? Exposure?

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