Thursday, June 16, 2011

Video Games Are Now Art

Yes, you read that headline right. Video games are now legally considered art. This means that the government will now be able to fund small independent companies. 

Braid, an amazing indie game
It will not, like some news outlets will lead you to believe, (I'm looking at you Fox News) give money to large block-buster games like Call Of Duty and Gears Of War.
Government funding will help promote more educational games. If there's anything I love in a game, it is when it makes me think and use my imagination. 
Someone built a cathedral in Minecraft. With his bear hands.
The NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) will be funding all of this. Game companies will be receiving grants of $10,000 to $200,000 next year. Not only this, but since video games are now legally considered art, they are being shown as exhibits at government funded art museums. 

 Japan was always ahead of us anyway.

For, how could something that explores and combines different arts not be considered art in itself?  

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